Michael El Nour, website: http://www.antahkaranah.com/index.htm
Michael El Nour often signs herself as the Archangel Michael, yes a real, living Archangel - perhaps the most exalted and well known - living here on Earth in the flesh!
She sells little bottles of water for $22.00 that falsely claims to "increase your light quotient in seconds" and "you are instantaneously encoded with the matrix of the new DNA and the HEART / CHRIST Frequency." (These are only two of the many ridiculous claims made, including that this water puts you in touch with the ascended masters and angelic guides!)
I am among nine people, including children, who sampled this so-called 'Water of Life', produced at a cost of no more than $1.00 by Michael El Nour and sold for 2,100% profit, and absolutely no effects were experienced whatsoever by any of us.
Upon repeated requests of Michael El Nour for a refund for what has been confirmed to be nothing other than distilled water by a good clairsentient, the hoary Archangel insisted that she knew best and that she was utterly unprepared to refund the $22.00!
I fail to see how even an Archangel can retain either its spiritual integrity or clarity of conscience when even profane society has fundamental scruples and laws in place - statutory consumer rights - for goods that do not do what they claim to do. Thus even man's justice appears to be more righteous than that of Michael El Nour!
Michael El Nour: yet another deluded, con-man, bogus teacher amidst the swelling ranks of New Age glamor, pretense, psychic infatuation and spiritual egotism of our times.
C McDougall